Every little helps!!... Planetary Woes..
In less than 10 days we will begin a new decade and the one thing that i think we can look back upon in the last decade is the realisation that we have to do a lot more to save our planet, so movements have begun to get rid of single use plastics, non-recyclable goods and wasteful packaging.
For us we look to people like Greta Thunberg and see a bright future, but, not every one can be Time Person of the Year, so at Lunch Box Company we source products that can help sustain (y)our planet and (y)our society, so it affords everyone to do their own little bit, and every bit helps, be it a tree planted through initiatives like @onetreeonedollar or using less single use plastics, fossil fuels and simply changing our day to day lives from the throw away / wasting society we have become.
So with that we showcase todays items which is our biggest seller the 'Wheat Straw Lunch Box'
This item is made with fully biodegradable material, 100% BPA free and a made from a material that is safe for our planet and is Vegan Free for those who require it.
#cleanuptheworld #cleanupthebeach #savethebees #savetheearth #plantbased #stopplasticpollution #nature #zerowaste #ocean #climatechange #savetheplanet #endplasticpollution #earthday #cleanuptheworld #banthebag #ecofriendly #savetheanimals #stopthehunt #earthhour #staygreen #greenthumb #savetheturtles #cleanouroceans #plasticfree
#plasticpollutes #deforestation #refusesingleuse #refusesingleuseplastic #refuseplastic #savethetrees #climatestrike #plasticproject #plasticfreedom #plasticfreeliving #zerowastehome #surfersagainstsewage #zerowastetips #zerowasteliving #zerowastecollective #ecofriendly #ecolife #plasticfreeuk #plasticfreelife #zerowaste #zerowastelife #goingzerowaste #goingplasticfree #sustainablesummer #sustainable #sustainableswaps #blueplanet2 #sustainableliving #plasticocean #sustainabletravel #earthday #gogreen #climatechange #savetheplanet