Suzanne Bastien
suzannebastien | 5.9k Reach
Food and Drink Lifestyle Social Media Travel Photographer
suzannebastien | 5.9k Reach
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I grew up to the sound of a typewriter’s rhythmic tune coming from my father’s room. I was runner up in the school spelling bee and thrived on new vocabulary words. My parents would drop me off at the local library every Saturday for 2 hours and I would gather my tomes, then sit and read Stephen King until my parents came and picked me up. Needless to say, I have a love for the written word.
I used to write a newsletter for my friends every day, things like, “Word of the Day”, “Funny Video”, ‘Today in History’. It was something to do while I was passing the time from being a single mom of 6, to when they were at their dad’s house. My first blog was born, Lilithology. Shortly thereafter came Crunchy Green Mom and I worked on that passion for 9 years. Now... there is Everyday Lush, a She said/He said type site that covers, life, adventure, photography, travel and all that Lush can cover!
Sometime in there I met an amazing man that eventually became my husband and allowed me to be a bonus mom to his son. We are a blended family of 7 kids that are finding a way every single day. Some days are WAY easier than others.
My passions- Life, Writing, Photography, Adventure and writing about those adventures every day!
Female, 51 years old
Centennial, Colorado
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