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Hello, my name is Joel and I’m the creator of StudyAll. I was once a high school and college student as you may be now. At present I’m a businessman as many of you may aspire to become. Prior to that, I held a variety of positions with a number of companies. Now I intend to build my empire by helping students like you to excel in their studies.
I attended high school and college in Maryland and received my college degree from the University of Maryland in 1982. Although I’m no longer attending classes I’m still a student of life as we never stop learning.
Studying for tests always filled me with anxiety, and I disliked having to study at all. However, it was a necessity if I wanted to graduate and find my way in the world. I probably had to study harder than most students in order to retain what I learned. I was always easily distracted, and I often found it hard to focus. My anxiety sapped my mental and physical endurance as well.
I used to use caffeine pills and coffee to stay up but that always seemed to worsen my anxiety and oftentimes gave me insomnia. The caffeine taken by itself made me feel jittery and drained the next day as I’d been deprived of sleep. My anxiety made it hard to focus. These feelings were consistent and so I was never motivated to sit down to study. In fact, I dreaded it.
It wasn’t until my sophomore year at the University of Maryland that I began to get proactive about finding something to ease the stress and anxiety of studying. I surmised that if I could reduce or eliminate my stress and anxiety I’d not only be able to increase my ability to focus, but I’d also find it easier to get motivated to study.
I further surmised that if I could reduce my stress and anxiety and in so doing increase my ability to focus, I’d also increase my energy levels, both physical and mental. I strongly believed this would turn me into a better student and make me view studying as less of a masochistic activity and something I could do as a matter of course without it being such a drudgery and unsavory chore.
I began to do research on herbal remedies for clean, non-jittery energy with no crash that reduced or eliminated stress and anxiety, thereby increasing focus, motivation, and the retention of information.
Initially, I wasn’t being altruistic, but instead I was thinking rather selfishly. This was for my own use. It was what I felt was needed for me to make it through the remaining 3 years of college. After much trial and error I settled on what I now present to you as StudyAll!
I began making this concoction and taking it consistently. About a year after my discovery I began making extra capsules and giving them to friends. The overwhelming majority loved them and it did for them what it did for me. This is what I’ve experienced and this is what people report.
StudyAll does not cause the jitters in most people.
StudyAll provides a clean, not in your face energy that is extremely long lasting.
StudyAll may increase your motivation due to the “adaptogens” in the formula that enhance and support healthy Dopamine levels. FYI, Dopamine is a neurotransmitter and is known as the “motivation molecule.” It’s what I feel gives StudyAll the ability to help you finish what you start.
StudyAll may allow you to laser focus and move seamlessly from task to task.
StudyAll may help you with the retention of information.
StudyAll may reduce stress and anxiety and elevate your mood.
StudyAll won’t keep you awake when it’s time for sleep enabling you to feel rested the next day.
I still have caffeine in the product as I’ve found it plays an integral role in its benefits. Furthermore, the other ingredients help to eliminate the jitters that caffeine caused when I used it on its own.
I still take what has now become known as StudyAll to this day. I use it when I must bring my A game in terms of focus, energy, and a motivation to finish what I start. I’m confident you’ll find StudyAll an extremely effective study aid that will provide you with the wherewithal to excel in your studies and become the best that you can be!
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