0 Community Reach • Tampa, Florida
https://www.foundationrepair-tampa.com/sewer-line-repair/ • sewerlinefl 0
Connecting You With Foundation Repair in Tampa FL Experts! Sewer line damage is not uncommon, and the reasons that contribute to this problem are also similar in most cases. Here’s what might cause sewer line damage in your home. Most steel and iron pipes are coated with a protective zinc layer to prevent rusting. However, calcium and magnesium in water can corrode pipes over time. When left unchecked for long, it can cause cracks or annoying leaks. Extreme temperatures can also be a source of sewer line damage. For example, harshly cold weather can freeze the pipes resulting in ice expansion and potential bursting. However, cold weather alone isn’t the culprit. Extremely high temperatures can also burst the pipes.
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