Charvin Extra Fine Professional Oil Painting Sets - Jerry's Artarama | Premium Art Supplies and Suppliers
Charvin Extra Fine Professional Oil Painting Sets - Jerry's Artarama
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Maryanne Chisholm is an acclaimed Surreal Painter and Illustrator.
Her work has shown in Galleries nationally & internationally including Stratosphere in 2022 NYC, NFT.LA, NFT.NYC, the Herberger Theatre & Art Gallery in Scottsdale & Tempe, AZ, Milan Fashion Week with the #DressME MADS Milano Exhibition, The "Block Museseeum" based in Ireland and the Metaverse, and at the Freedom of Arts exhibition in Denver, CO.
Maryanne has been featured and profiled by MOCA (The Museum of Crypto Art), Outsider Magazine, and Artist Magazine; In 2021 Maryanne was awarded the Collectors Vision Award, by Contemporary Curator Magazine, for completing a body of socially significant work.
She has been interviewed by PBS, Business Insider and Bloomberg Magazine. She presents a weekly top-rated NFT Twitter Space that supports other artists worldwide.
Tucson, Arizona
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Charvin Extra Fine Professional Oil Painting Sets - Jerry's Artarama
96.9k Reach
Maimeri Puro Oil Painting Vintage Luxury Box Set - Jerry's Artarama
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Charvin Extra Fine Professional Oil Painting Sets - Jerry's Artarama
96.9k Reach
Maimeri Puro Oil Painting Vintage Luxury Box Set - Jerry's Artarama
96.9k Reach
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