498k Community Reach • United States of America
http://www.glpfilms.com • glpfilms 5 glpfilms 10.9k
Founded in 2008, GLP Films is an award-winning content marketing agency dedicated to authentic storytelling and content marketing for the travel and outdoor industry. To date, GLP has produced and distributed 200+ videos from 35+ countries in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and North America. GLP Films is committed to working with the best travel and outdoor brands to elevate the industry through strategic marketing, authentic storytelling, and leadership in sustainability. We believe authentic storytelling has the power to transform industries, change conversations, and help brands communicate their core vision and positive impact. GLP partners with global organizations to produce custom content that supports their content marketing, branding, and distribution needs, while also protecting local cultures, livelihoods, and our natural environment. To learn more, visit www.glpfilms.com.
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