Samantha Cuff
cuffaamantha751727 | 143 Reach
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My name is Samantha. I have three beautiful children that I love more than anything, two boys and a girl. My sons are 10 and 3 and my daughter is 1. I love art, drawing, painting, coloring, all of it! I love trying new things. I love to cook and have completed a Culinary Arts course. I haven't worked with any brands as an influencer yet but I have worked on sites like crowdtap, bzzagent, pinch me and other similar sites and have provided them with reviews on the products from their sites. I also am currently trying to start a art program for hospitals for all kinds of patients: children, mental health, recovery, long term illness and would like to help people who can't afford supplies as well. I am starting with my local hospital and hoping to expand further as soon as possible. I think it could help alot of people. Bujos have been proven in studies to help with mental health and I think that bujos among other arts could help alot of people who need help. I know art has helped me through alot of rough times in my life and would love to be able to bring that same help to others who need it now. 😊
Female, 32 years old
United States of America
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