Halo has invented a smart dog collar that has a ton of features that any dog owner will love. It has built in GPS to track your furry friends, it has a training mode to help your dog understand what can keep him safe, and it has a built in perimeter fence that you can take anywhere! Just draw a perimeter on the in app map, and your dog can be contained. Great for beaches and parks or camping.
Halo is having a virtual event on November 14th and we'd love to have as many Pet Influencers, or simply Influencers who love their dogs to join.
Cesar Millan (The Dog Whisperer) is a co-owner and will be there for the event, and will have training sessions, giveaways and will be there to answer your direct questions. They want to build an active community and they are looking to Influencers to be the pioneers here.
During the event, several collars and the service will be given away. This is a value that's well over $1,000. We hope you can join us. Let us know your interest and we will try to get an invite to as many people as we can.