Looking for Influencers with a big platform (20K MIN) who support FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
All your doing is creating a reaction through your social media about the music video that is linked to this campaign.
The budget for promo is LOW but the message is BIG!!!
Early influence exposures will be noted for immediate response to this campaign.
Cosigning attention to this video as an Influencer, especially before it goes viral, could be viewed as contributing to the domino effect of it being viral is why.
If we didn’t get to accept your inquiry to working with us, you can send an email anyways after the posting to make sure you are noted. reallifemadara@gmail
Responses are not guaranteed back, this campaign is more so for the one’s who see it first & rush in to invest in the spreading of the video when it becomes PUBLIC.. right now it's UNLISTED for you to see if this is something you would want to cash in on..
VID LINK : https://youtu.be/B7-o-QCnjgM
UPDATE: VID DOWN ATM..so apply if thumbnail brought you here..