We are on the hunt for ambassadors and new affiliates to be a part of the Hyburst team!! Depending upon performance we may bring you onboard as an ambassador!!
Our ask: Promote us to your audience on IG/Social Media & win product and CASH!!!
If you get:
3 orders - will get you a starter kit with product and a bottle
5 orders - a HY bottle and a month supply
7 orders - a HY bottle, month supply, and entered to win $100 cash
10 orders - will get a bottle, month supply, a check for$50, entered to win $100 cash
Get your special link here... https://hyburst.refersion.com
*make sure you have the link so you get credit!
And the cherry on top, we will pay you 20% on top of all of this with each order!!!
*We are currently looking for influence in the United States*