Everything you need to know about collaborations between influencers and businesses.
I would say first of all, don't be afraid when you get a deal coming in to take a little bit more control of that deal, not just asking how much money they have, which is what everyone does but be a bit more inspired. Show that you actually know your channel, and pitch your own ideas.
Another important thing that creators should know, when they're communicating with brands and going out and trying to find new brands, is to really know your audience. I understand as I ask creators all the time- what brands would you like to work with? And of course, they typically have their hitlist like a NIKE or Beats by Dre and all these great brands, those are fine, but you just have to ask yourself, if you actually want to execute if you actually want to close a deal, are those brands targeting the audience that is specifically watching you? That is something I find a lot of creators aren't really thinking about as much. You have to understand that the brand is not just buying you, your face your content, what they're really buying is your audience. So you have to start analyzing your audience and saying, okay, it's not what brands I like necessarily, what brands do my viewers like? Once you can figure that out- of course, there is the possibility to sway your audience in different ways, but once you figure that out, you're really going to start bringing in probably 5x more brand deals that month by just being aware of that.
Provide not just the stats on engagement numbers, but ROI, and not only life-time but snapshots of singular campaigns [that you're allowed to] via a portfolio. I will not work with Influencers who cannot show me ROI numbers, because as much as engagement numbers [ROE] are great, they don't translate to moving the needle for sales-based campaigns. Especially short-term ones.
Basically: provide data that suggests your Influence is capable of hitting campaign goals other than the top of the sales funnel 'awareness' level. If Influencers don't have this, start asking your brand-clients if it'd be OK to show their obfuscated/blurred metrics, or if it'd be alright to put them in your portfolio of work.
You're marketers providing a business service. Provide the receipts to back up the spend and you'll close way more deals.
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