Fashion, Beauty & Life Updates!
dayanesfernandes | 7.2k Reach
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Fashion, Beauty & Life Updates!
dayanesfernandes | 7.2k Reach
Fashion Fashion & Beauty Fashion Luxury Lifesytle Luxury Handbags
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This Journey
The idea behind my Instagram content is to simply to share some of my outfits, beauty products and every so often a little about my life. I do want to remind you all that Instagram has a funny way of making it seem that everyone else’s life is perfect or more exciting than yours! Realistically that is not the case and if you are following someone that makes you feel crappy about your life just go ahead and BLOCK+ DELETE them now.
Staying true to yourself can be hard, scrolling on Instagram comparing your life to others and thinking ‘maybe I should be doing this with my life?’ isn’t easy. Don’t get me wrong I am as guilty of doing this as the next girl but whenever I catch myself doing this I immediately try to snap out of it. I know how long it takes me to take a good selfie and make the photo look good by adjusting the light, saturation and so on... and I know the exhausting process of putting your very best self out there for people to judge but I also know that there is a very high chance that the person I’m looking at has done the same. So I should not compare myself and neither should you! I will never be that person…I am me, good old me! In fact comparison is what I would like to call a ‘thief of joy’.
Confidence is self-made!
The truth is you will never win in life by trying to be someone you are not. You cannot ever leave the life of your dreams by settling for someone else’s idea of perfection. You will never ever be happy if you change who you are to please others. If you are different, be different and do it with pride! There will always be someone prettier, there will always be someone smarter, stronger, richer, and younger but there will never be another you. The pro to this is that being yourself will automatically filter everyone who doesn’t belong in your life and attract only who should be around you.
Moral of the story- Take everything I post with a pinch of salt. Don’t ever for a second think that my life is any different to yours. I am just another human trying to make it in this crazy world we live in.
And…If you do put the real you out there, what is the worst that can happen?
Female, 34 years old
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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