DESCRIPTION OF THE PRODUCT: Green Superfood Juice - For mind and body function and improvement
AIM OF THE CAMPAIGN: Brand awareness
Looking for male and female influencers involved in nutrition, health and fitness to help grow our brand.
There will be an opportunity for continued partnership as we build our brand. This is an exciting time for us and our company!
We’d like to see you with the product pouch and with the product mixed ready to drink, in a smoothie, at the gym...something where you’re using the prodcut. We want to hear how creative you want to be.
HOW MANY POSTS ARE REQUIRED?: Initally 1-2; we’re keen to test the waters and partner with influencers who can join us on our journey!!
WHAT SOCIAL CHANNEL: Mainly instagram, potential to discuss other options
WHAT LOOK/FEEL/STYLE OF POST: Fun, clean and informative. Include info about our product and the benefits
COMPENSATION: Negotiable dependent on audience size, engagement etc. Let’s discuss! We’re looking for a win-win with all our influencers!