Que Bella is Target's #1 mask brand in store and we've introduced over 10 new masks this season.
At QB HQ, we believe in innovative skin care products at affordable prices. We’re passionate about catering for all skin types, allowing our customers to feel their most beautiful self… Our brand name Que Bella derives from the Italian phrase; ‘how beautiful’ and with that in mind, we create quality skin care, for the perfect pampering experience at home. Enriched with natural ingredients, our masks are at the forefront of innovation, but offer our customers ease and convenience. Each of our products are specifically designed with you in mind, and our compact, lightweight and disposable packaging means that you can take your Que Bella skincare anywhere.
For 2019 we're hoping to expand the brand outside of just Target, and in to other retailers in the US. However we're looking for influencers to help us create some brand awareness and a general buzz around our amazing range of masks.
We're looking for beauty bloggers and influencers, interested in skin care, make up and value for money products. Que Bella is a young and fun mask brand, so we need influencers with a genuine interest for our brand and product and who can translate to our customers.
We want influencers who can create beautiful looking content, either product posts, selfies, or tutorials/videos. We love content that's fun and personal.
Ideally we'd like 1-2 posts per month depending on the content, and product, to be shared across Instagram and Facebook.
We're happy to discuss rates and come to an agreement.